
Ash Wednesday 

End of Carnival 

By Carl Spitzweg (1860)

As Lent swiftly approaches, we prepare ourselves for this season of repentance and growth through sacrifice. 

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the penitential season of Lent, in preparation for the highest feast of Easter. 

This painting by German romantic painter Carl Spitzweg, serves as a mediative tool for the solemn day of reflection, this painting's namesake, Ash Wednesday. 

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The Immaculate Conception

By Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696 - 1770)

Italian painter & printmaker from Venice. Tiepolo was Commissioned by Spanish king Charles III for the royal church of San Pascual Bailόn to paint 7 altarpieces reflected some of the most important devotional practices of the Franciscan order

  • Devotion to the Eucharist
  • Devotion to the Christ Child
  • Devotion to the purity of the Virgin Mary

This painting was painted in a Baroque style with Christian Iconagraphic elements.

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